Cajun dance is a folk dance of Louisiana. This folk dance was popular in old times. Due to its popularity, various variations of this dance became popular.
Earlier folk dances were done for enjoyment only, which meant no one did it under restrictions. It can be the cause of different forms of one dance. Sometimes hobble steps are commonly used in the dance without changing the form. In hobble steps, dancers weigh down on one foot. For men, it is the right leg and for women, it is the left.
Cajun jitterbug has two variations Cajun Jig and Cajun Jitterbug.
- Two-step form of a six-count east coast swing
- Cajun Jig
Cajun Jitterbug
The basic steps of cajun jitterbug include open hand dance moves and crossed hand dance moves. On the open hand, position partners are in front of each other holding each other’s arms. Right-hand holds the left hand of the partner and vise versa. In closed hand again partners are facing each other only their hands are crossed now. Left hand holding left hand below right hand holding right hand (on top).
Cajun Jig
It is also known as cajun one step as there are not many steps required to perform this dance. This is considered to be the simplest dance variation of Cajun dance. The focus stays on one dance step this is why the term “cajun one step”. It was a popular dance form from the late 1980s to the early 1990s.
Cajun jig also includes the newest dance form “hobble step” in which dancers dance like they are stepping on and off a curb. It also includes underarm turns that are popular in western and country dancing.