Dangi dance is a very popular folk dance of Himachal Pradesh. Himachal Pradesh is filled with beautiful sceneries and culture and folk dances are one of them. Dangi dance is mainly associated with the Chamba area of Himachal Pradesh.

Dangi folk dance is based on one of the oldest folklore of Himachal Pradesh. The dance is performed during the harvest season. It has two themes one is love and another is business. The love-based theme folklore is about a very brave and handsome kind who fell in love with a common girl. It was not common for kings to fall in love with commoners so it was a big deal.
Their love would not have been easy and the world would have shamed them for it. But no matter what it is a love story. In the business-based theme, folklore talks about the giver and the taker. In a business, one person gives their products or services to another person and demands something of value to them. Business is essential for survival this is why it is a part of the folklore.
Dance at Naina Devi Temple
Dangi dance can also be considered a devotional folk dance for goddess Naina Devi. In Naina Devi’s temple, the Dangi dance is performed by female dancers. They perform in devotion and to ask the goddess to bless them and their families.
Due to its beautiful choreography and loving characteristics ‘dangi’ dance is also performed during festivals, weddings and Jatara. The joyous occasion requires a joyous dance and dangi dance fulfills this category very well. Dangi is mainly performed by Gaddi women in a semi-circular pattern. The love ballads of Sunni and Bhukha are sung. Dancers were their traditional clothing while performing dangi dance.
Dangi Dance Performance
In the semi-circle, all dancers hold each other’s hands then move slowly. With the continuation of the songs they expand and start dancing with their lower bodies. The upper bodies move too but not as much as the lower body. When songs reach beats all dancers start dancing with enthusiasm and excitement.
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