Kunbi dance is a tribal folk dance of Kunbi people. It is also known as Kanbi dance. Kunbi is a farmer caste in western India.

Kunbi community has lent its name to the Kunbi folk dance. This tribe can be found in the Salcete taluka region of Goa. The dance is simple yet also unique. It is performed on various festive and social occasions.
Dance Performance
Women dance in a group and move fast while performing this dance but they also move very gracefully. The steps are nicely calculated and coordination is impressive.
As the dance does not involve any religious songs or activities, it can be safely assumed that it was for entertainment purposes only. Only women partici[pate in this dance whereas men play instruments in the background.
Music Used by Kunbi
The songs used in this dance are from the pre-Portuguese ear. Their theme is not religious but social. One involves the story of a girl who is getting married soon, she is filling her water pitcher while a fish is winking at her. Other similar stories appear in their songs.
Kunbi Dance Costume
Women wear colorful sarees. Sarees are plain yet beautiful. Saree fabric and design represent the simplicity of the tribe. Women tie a neat bun and decorate it with colorful flowers. They wear plain and simple jewelry.
Kunbi tribe has its unique clothing which they wear while performing this dance form. Sarees are also a highlight of the kunbi dance form.