Lezim dance is a folk dance of Maharashtra. It is also spelled as lazium or lezium. The dance was used to perform in the villages of Maharastra and Gujarat. Two different states added their own tradition and culture to it. Lezim is mainly performed during the Ganesh festival in Maharastra. In some places, Lezim is known as Ganpathi Dance.

Story Behind Lezim
Lezim dance originated in 1986 during the rule of Chhatrapati Shivaji. It used to be a sport played by men for fitness. Some people in the community started presenting it as a dance performance. Lezim is also a musical instrument that is used in almost all dancer performances. With time it got limited to only Ganpathi processions.
Variations of Lezim Dance
Initially, it had two variations. In one variation a 2.5 feet long bamboo pole, called the Reedh was used which was connected with an iron chain called Dhanusyasarakhi. The primary purpose of using this heavy prop was to exercise and make the body strong.
Another variation was called Koyande. In which a 15-18 inches long wooden pole was used. The pole was hollow from the inside. The hollow part was used to connect a one kg iron chain to the bar by running it through from one end to another. Another 6 inches long chain was connected to the pole called Salaisakhali.
The dancers carry a wooden stick fixed with jingling cymbals. These jingling cymbals are called Lezim. Another important instrument of Lezim dance is Dholki which can also be considered the main instrument to give the beat to the dancers.
Lezim is a group dance with a minimum of 12 dancers. Only male dancers participate in Lezim. Dancers produce jingling sounds while dancing by playing cymbals. Dancers perform it in a group of two, four, or a circle.
Various educational institutions use the Lezim dance for fitness drills as it requires muscle movements and needs strength. Lezim dance may seem like an exercise routine instead of a dance to the unversed.
Lezim Dance Costume
Dancers wear a traditional costume which consists of a white kurta, pajama, and colorful belt with a colorful turban. During a stage performance, their clothes are coordinated to produce a more majestic view to the audience.
The main three types of Lezims are called talathekya, samanyajananna and military lezim. Military lezim is popular in the Baroda region of Maharashtra. It is performed as a martial art for defense. Initially, the students of Pandurang Vidyalaya used to perform this dance form. The school is run by the Vasant Dada Patil Education Trust. This school is also working towards providing underprivileged children with good educational opportunities.