Zydeco dance is for those fun-loving couples who just can not stay still for a long time. The most charming thing about this dance is how enjoyable it is for couples. They engage together, they laugh together, they communicate and they show each other affection while performing this dance.

What is the Zydeco Dance?
Zydeco dance originated in Louisiana. The music of this dance comes from the creole-french-speaking people of Louisiana. Creoles, Native Americans, Acadians, and African slaves used to populate the southwest of Louisiana. It is believed that the merging of these different people with different cultures originated the zydeco dance and music.
Zydeco music has both blues and rock genres. Generally, zydeco music is played with electric guitars, bases, fiddles, saxes, and accordions but the corrugated metal board is what gives it its distinctive sound.
Although there is not much descriptive Zydeco dance history, culturally Zydeco dance origin is still very rich.
Zydeco Dancing
The dance may seem easy because of a lot of spinning and fun involved but it is actually a bit difficult to learn. Zydeco consists of eight counts. In this dance, dancers need to stay on one foot for two beats then change their foot for one beat and then change again for the next beat. This way when the process repeats itself it starts with the other foot. The footwork of zydeco dancing is difficult but also what makes it interesting and fun to watch and dance.
So the footwork goes this way- L-1, L-2, R-3, L-4, R-5, L-7, R-8, and repeat.
Non-professional dancers do not have experience of taking two steps at different rates. So they might find it difficult to do it.
It is suggested that you learn the footwork without music and then practice it on music. In the beginning, find something slow to work with where you can move slowly.
Dancing With Partner
There are two positions while dancing with a partner. One is dancing apart and another is dancing close. In both positions partner’s foot should be opposite of your foot. With a partner too first thing you will learn to footwork. Before that, you need to let yourself and your partner sync in the music to get into the rhythm.
Dancing close position is somewhat similar to ballroom dance positions. Men’s hand on the women’s waist and women’s hand on men’s shoulder. The close position can be as close as partners want it to be. They can either dance in a sophisticated manner like ballroom dancing or they can make it fun and hot for themselves and for everyone else in the room who is watching.
In dancing apart partners stand 2 feet apart from each other. Apart dancing gives both partners space to dance on their own and do their thing. They do connect by hands from time to time while dancing but they mostly stay disconnected from each other. In this dance syncing and co-ordination of dancers is important.
Zydeco is fun to watch and dance. If you want to learn this dance you can take Zydeco dance lessons online. The videos of the most popular zydeco dances are available on youtube.